
showing 61 - 120 of 581 products

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Bonny Best Tomato Seeds - Heirloom


75 days Heirloom Indeterminate Also included in our Tomato Value Pack Package contains 0.5 grams, approximately 200 Bonny Best Tomato Seeds. Germination: 7 to 10 days at 75 to 85 F. Plant seeds 1/4 of an inch deep, 24 inches apart with 3 feet between rows. This popular variety produces meaty tomatoes with few seeds. Fruits are dark red, crack resistant, and get to be about 8 ounces in weight. Use these tomatoes for slicing or canning.

Borage Seeds - Heirloom


64 - 72 days to harvest. Package contains 2 grams, approximately 95 Borage Seeds. Germination: 5 - 10 days for germination.  Plant seeds after last frost 1/4 - 1/2 inch deep with 15 - 18 inches between seeds.   Borage is a great companion plant for strawberries as it bring essential pollinators to the garden and repels harmful garden insects.  Borage is a traditional herbal medicine grown for edible culinary flowers and the Omega-6 fatty acid GLA.  With a cucumber-like taste, Borage herb flowers make an easy summer treat for teas, salads, and dried herbal blends.  

Boston Pickling Cucumber Seeds - Heirloom


52 days to harvest. Package contains 3 grams, approximately 120 Boston Pickling Cucumber Seeds. Resistant to cucumber mosaic virus Germination: 7-14 days at 60-75F. Plant 1/2-1" deep in hills 18" apart, 6-8 per hill, with 30-36" between rows. As the name suggests, Boston Pickling cucumbers are perfect for pickling. Harvest these cucumbers when they are about 3" long to use them for pickles. High-yielding plants produce fruits that are bright green with smooth texture. If fruits are picked, the plant with bear continually through the season.

Bouquet Dill - Heirloom


Annual 65 days Package contains 1.5 grams, 1,340 Dill, Bouquet Herb Seeds. Germination: 12-18 days at 70 F. Cover seeds with a 1/2" of soil and keep moderately moist. Matures more quickly than other varieties. Bouquet dill is one of the most popular dill varieties. It is often used for pickling due to its large seed umbrellas.

Brandywine Red Tomato Seeds - Heirloom


70 days. Heirloom tomato of a beefsteak type. Produces large (up to 1 pound) deep red fruits. Well known for its excellent, exotic flavor. Soft texture, rough shoulders, and creamy smooth flesh. Indeterminate habit. Package contains 0.1 grams, approximately 30 Brandywine Red Tomato Seeds. Planting Instructions Germination: 7 to 10 days at 75 to 85 F. Plant seeds 1/4 of an inch deep, 24 inches apart with 3 feet between rows.

Brandywine Yellow Tomato Seeds - Heirloom


76-100 days. Heirloom tomato of a beefsteak type. Produces large (up to 2 pounds) yellow fruits. Known for its excellent flavor and creamy texture. Indeterminate habit. Package contains 20 Brandywine Yellow Tomato Seeds. Planting Instructions Germination: 7 to 10 days at 75 to 85 F. Plant seeds 1/4 of an inch deep, 24 inches apart with 3 feet between plants.

Bright Lights Swiss Chard Seeds - Heirloom


55 days. AAS Winner 1998 Package contains 1.5 grams, approximately 50 Swiss Chard, Bright Lights Seeds. Germination: 9 to 12 days at 55 to 70 F. Plant seeds 1/2 inch deep, 6 inches apart with 18 inches between rows. Bright Lights Swiss Chard grows multi-colored stalks and is a stunning and bold addition to your garden. Bright Lights has a milder taste than other types of chard.  Swiss Chard is a nutritious, green, leafy vegetable that can be easily added to all kinds of recipes. While the chard leaves are green, the stems of the plant can be different colors...

Broad Windsor Pole Fava Bean Seeds - Heirloom


120 to 150 days to harvest. Climbing habit. Package contains 30 grams, approximately 18 Broad Windsor Pole, Fava Bean Seeds. Germination: 6 to 10 days at 70 to 85 F. Plant seeds 1 to 2 inches deep with 6 to 8 inches between plants and 24 to 36 inches between rows. Broad Windsor Pole Fava Beans produce pods that grow about 7 inches long, which can be eaten like snap beans. The flat beans inside the pod can also be used as a dry shell bean. The foliage of the bean plant is also edible.  Pole beans are known for...

Brown Mustard Organic Microgreen Seeds


Microgreens can easily be grown indoors on your kitchen counter in a growing tray or other container using soil or a soil substitute. Microgreens are packed with nutrients and can be added to various food dishes or eaten raw.  Package contains 1 ounce of Brown Mustard Organic Microgreen Seeds. Growing Instructions Spread seeds over moist planting medium and place in a sunny spot. Ready to harvest in 5-14 days. Trim plants just above the soil line. Store greens in refrigerator for up to a week.

Brown Mustard Organic Sprouting Seeds


Soak seeds for about 10 hours in cool water. Rinse and drain, then repeat process every 10 hours for 3 days. Move to indirect sunlight on day 4, continuing the rinsing step until desired length is reached (about 6 days). These are delicious sprouts that are full of flavor as well as nutrients. Mustard sprouts are a healthy, tasty way to spice up a meal. Package contains 1 ounce of Brown Mustard Organic Sprouting Seeds. Sprouting Instructions:These instructions refer to jar sprouting, but can be used as a general outline for sprouting: 1. Soak the sprouting seeds in about 3x...

Buckwheat Organic Microgreen Seeds


Microgreens can easily be grown indoors on your kitchen counter in a growing tray or other container using soil or a soil substitute. Microgreens are packed with nutrients and can be added to various food dishes or eaten raw. Package contains 8 ounces of Buckwheat Organic Microgreen Seeds. Growing Instructions Spread seeds over moist planting medium and place in a sunny spot. Ready to harvest in 5-14 days. Trim plants just above the soil line. Store greens in refrigerator for up to a week.

Buckwheat Organic Sprouting Seeds


Soak seeds for 10 hours and rinse. Place in warm area out of direct sunlight. Rinse 3-4 times a day. Sprouts ready in 2 days. Store in sealed bag in refrigerator 1 week maximum. Buckwheat offers all kinds of vitamins and minerals, and is quick and easy to sprout. Be sure to rinse thoroughly after soaking, since the water will be very starchy. Package contains 8 ounces of Buckwheat Organic Sprouting Seeds. Sprouting Instructions: These instructions refer to jar sprouting, but can be used as a general outline for sprouting: 1. Soak the sprouting seeds in about 3x the amount...

Bull's Blood Beet Seeds - Heirloom


Tops 35 days, roots 55 days to harvest. Heirloom variety Package contains 5 grams, approximately 300 Bull's Blood Beet Seeds Germination: 7 to 10 days at 40 to 85F. Plant seeds 1/2-3/4" deep with 1 to 2" between plants and 14 to 28" between rows. Bull's Blood Beets have beautiful dark red roots and tops. The roots are sweet and delicious, and the gorgeous tops are perfect for adding to salads. When sliced, the roots have a candy-stripe appearance. Learn more about Bull's Blood Beets on this blog post!

Burpee Big Boy Hybrid Tomato Seeds


78 days Indeterminate Package contains 10 Burpee Big Boy Hybrid Tomato Seeds. Germination: 8-14 days at 50-75F. Plant 1/2" deep, 24" apart, with 36-48" between rows. Burpee Big Boy Hybrid tomato vines are indeterminate and strong, producing large yields of 1-pound tomatoes. Big crack-resistant fruits are bright red, round, and meaty. This popular variety tastes great and is loved by many home gardeners.

Burpee II Hybrid Cucumber Seeds


60 days Vine cucumber Resistant to mosaic virus and downy mildew Package contains 25 Burpee II Hybrid Cucumber Seeds. Germination: 3 to 4 days at 70 to 85 F. Plant seeds 1/2 to 1 inch deep, 26 inches apart with 48 inches between rows. Burpee II Hybrid Cucumber plants produce 8 inch dark green fruits with white spines. These cucumbers have wonderful flavor and are great for slicing. They are resistant to downy mildew and cucumber mosaic virus.

Burpless #26 Hybrid Cucumber Seeds


50 to 60 days to harvest. Vine cucumber. Can be trellised to save space and straighten fruit. Resistant to downy mildew, powdery mildew, and cucumber mosaic virus. Package contains 15 Burpless #26 Hybrid Cucumber Seeds. Germination: 6 to 10 days at soil temp of 75 to 85 F. Plant seeds 1 inch deep, 24 inches apart with 48 inches between rows. These early cucumbers are great for slicing and are resistant to downy mildew and cucumber mosaic virus. Burpless #26 Hybrid Cucumbers have thin, dark green skin and are straight, growing about 12 inches long. These cucumbers do not have...

Bush Champion II Hybrid Tomato Seeds


70 days Determinate Resistant to Fusarium Wilt and Verticillium Wilt Package contains 10 Bush Champion II Hybrid Tomato Seeds Germination: 8-14 days at 50-75F. Plant 1/2" deep, 24" apart, with 36-48" between rows. Bush Champion II tomatoes are suitable for growing in most climates, and are resistant to disease. The plants will grow up to 36 inches tall and produce 12 ounce fruits that are flavorful and meaty. Wonderful for slicing and canning.

Bush Crop Cucumber Seeds - Heirloom


55 days. Package contains 3 grams, approximately 110 Bush Crop Cucumber Seeds. Germination: 6 to 10 days at 75 to 85 F. Plant seeds 1 inch deep, 3 inches apart with 3 feet between rows. Bush Crop Cucumbers are wonderful for slicing. These dark green cucumbers grow up to 8 inches and the plants, although compact, are quite productive. This is a good variety for small gardens because it doesn't grow long vines. Very flavorful and tender.

Bush Pickle Hybrid Cucumber Seeds


50 days. Package contains 50 Bush Pickle Cucumber Seeds. Germination: 8-10 days at 60-75F. Plant 1" deep in hills 18" apart, 6-8 per hill, in rows 30-36" apart. Bush Pickle Cucumbers have a short growing season and the plants don't grow large (only 24-36 inches), making them ideal for small gardens. They also work well for container gardening. Fruits grow up to 5 inches long and taste mild and crispy.

Buttercrunch Lettuce Seeds - Heirloom


65 days to harvest. AAS Winner! Package contains 5 grams, approximately 2,850 Buttercrunch Lettuce Seeds. Germination: 6 to 10 days at 50 to 70 F. Plant seeds 1/2 of an inch deep with 12 inches between rows This lettuce has a wonderfully buttery texture and mild taste. The leaves of this butterhead type lettuce form a loose head. Buttercrunch Lettuce is heat tolerant and is slow to bolt. The taste and texture of this lettuce makes it a great addition to salads.

Cal Ace VF Tomato Seeds - Heirloom


85 days from transplant to harvest. Determinate vine Package contains 0.5 grams, approximately 200 Cal Ace VF Tomato Seeds. Germination: 8-14 days at 50-75F. Plant 1/4" deep, 36" apart, with 36-48" between rows.  Cal Ace VF Tomatoes are medium sized round tomato with a deep red, almost purple color.  The plants produce high yields of tomatoes that are sweet and rich in flavor, a very heat tolerant variety.

Calendula Pacific Beauty Seeds


98 - 105 days to maturity. Package contains 2 grams, approximately 150 Calendula Pacific Beauty Seeds. Calendula Pacific Beauty Seeds grow 15 - 18 inch tall stems with 3 - 4 inch marigold-like bulbs. These have the hardiness of a wildflower and are more heat tolerant than other Calendula varieties. Planting Instructions: Begin seeds indoors 6 to 8 weeks prior to transplant.  Seeds will germinate in complete darkness within 7 to 14 days.  Be sure to harden the plants off in a partially shaded spot before transplanting.  These like full sun to partial shade.

California Blackeye Cowpea Seeds - Heirloom


75 days to harvest. Bush growth habit/semi vining, high yeilding. Heirloom variety. Included in the Preparedness Seed Bank. Package contains 4 ounces, approximately 350 California Blackeye Cowpea Seeds. Germination: 5 to 8 days at 70 to 85 F. Plant seeds 1- 1/2 inches deep with 3 inches between plants and 18 to 24 inches between rows. California Blackeye Cowpea plants produce pods that grow up to 8 inches long with seeds that can be used either dry or fresh. This plant is semi-vining and grows vigorously to produce heavy yields of delicious cowpeas. Also known as Southern peas. Cowpeas can...

California Poppy


Annual. Grows 6 to 12 inches. Silky golden-orange flowers above mounds of feathery gray-green foliage. Likes hot, dry areas and poor soils. Package contains 2 grams, approximately 1,300 California Poppy Wildflower Seeds. Planting Instructions Germination: 15 to 30 days at 60 to 70F. Plant seeds approximately 1/8 of an inch deep, with 12 inches between plants.

Calsweet Watermelon Seeds - Heirloom


92 days to harvest. Fruits weigh 20 to 25 pounds with distinctive, light and dark green stripes. Good for shipping. It is resistant to breakage when grown without being stressed. Res. F. Package contains 3 grams, approximately 70 Calsweet Watermelon Seeds. Planting Instructions Germination: 7-14 days at 75-85F. Plant 1-3" deep in hills 8' apart, with 8' between rows.

Campbell 33 Tomato Seeds - Heirloom


65 - 70 days from transplant to harvest. Determinate vine Package contains 0.25 grams, approximately 110 Campbell 33 Tomato Seeds. Germination: 8-14 days at 50-75F. Plant 1/4" deep, 36" apart, with 36-48" between rows.  Campbell 33 Tomatoes were originally developed by Campbells for soups, but also work well for slicing or canning.  Produces many medium-size, bright red tomatoes.

Canary Amy Hybrid Melon Seeds


70 to 80 days to harvest. AAS Selection Winner! Package contains 10 Canary Amy Hybrid Melon Seeds. Germination: 7 to 14 days at 75 to 85 F. Plant seeds 1 inch deep in hills 12 inches apart, with 36 inches between rows. Canary Amy Hybrid Melons sport a gorgeous golden-yellow skin that is smooth with no netting. Flesh is white and flavorfully sweet, and the inside of the melon has a small seed cavity. The vines of this melon will spread out to 6 feet. Ready to harvest when melons turn bright yellow. Read more about Canary Amy Hybrid melons in...

Canary Yellow Melon Seeds - Heirloom


100 days to harvest. Package contains 2 grams, approximately 40 Canary Yellow Melon Seeds. Germination: 7 to 14 days at 75 to 85 F. Plant seeds 1 inch deep in hills 12 inches apart, with 36 inches between rows. A bit larger than most cantaloupes or honeydews, the Canary Yellow Melon is as bright and cheerful as its name implies. It has a brightly-colored yellow rind, light-green flesh, and a sweet, delicate flavor. These melons store well and get up to 6 pounds. The rind will feel somewhat waxy when the melon is ripe.

Candy Hybrid Onion Seeds


85 days to harvest. Here is a mid-day onion that can be successfully grown in the north or south--basically anywhere in the country. It has a sensational mild and sweet flavor that tastes like a southern short-day onion. Performs best when planted in the spring and produces jumbo to colossal size bulbs in just 85 days. Thick white rings under golden-brown skin. Water frequently as onions are shallow rooted. Harvest when tops turn brown and look pinched where they connect with the bulb. Package contains 0.25 grams, approximately 50-60 Onion, Candy Hybrid Seeds. Planting Instructions Germination: 7 to 12 days...

Caraway - Heirloom


Biennial. 70 days to harvest. Package contains 1 gram, approximately 350 Caraway Herb Seeds. Germination: 12-21 days at 70 degrees F. Plant seeds 1/4" deep. Caraway is a biennial plant with feather-like leaves and fruits (commonly referred to as caraway seeds) that can be harvested and used in various ways. Caraway can also be used as an essential oil. It is said that caraway seeds and oils can help aid digestion as well as add flavor to recipes. It is also known for its ability to repel certain insects, such as flies. You can eat just about every part of...

Carousel Ornamental Corn Seeds - Heirloom


104 days Open pollinated Package contains 10 grams, approximately 135 Carousel Ornamental Corn Seeds. Produces miniature ears that grow 5" long or less. Carousel Ornamental Corn is wonderfully decorative with its multicolored kernels. Avoid planting this variety near sweet corn.

Casaba Golden Beauty Melon Seeds - Heirloom


100 days to harvest. Also included in our Fruit Lovers Value Pack Package contains 2 grams, approximately 55 Casaba Golden Beauty Melon Seeds. Germination: 4 to 8 days at 75-85 F. Plant seeds 1 inch deep, 24 inches apart, 4-6 feet between rows. Casaba Golden Beauty Melon is adapted to dry, hot climates. The rind is wrinkly and somewhat tough with a golden hue. These melons can weigh 6 pounds or more and grow to be about 6'. The flesh is sweet and spicy with a wonderful aroma. Casaba melons are excellent for storing because of their tough rind. Learn...

Catnip - Heirloom


Perennial. Package contains 0.5 grams, approximately 850 Catnip Herb Seeds. Germination: 7-10 days at 65-75 F. Plant 1/8" deep. Separation 12-18". Days to Maturity: 75-80 days. Harvest when blooms. Prefers average, well drained soil. Catnip is an herb best known for its effect on felines, but this plant also has other uses. It is said that catnip can be calming for people and also works as a repellent for certain harmful insects. It can be attractive to butterflies and bees.

Catskill Brussel Sprouts Seeds - Heirloom


85 - 98 days Heirloom variety Package contains 0.5 grams, approximately 100 Catskill Brussel Sprouts Seeds. Germination: 7 to 14 days at 70 to 85 F. Plant seeds 1/2 inch deep with 3 to 4 inches between plants and 24 to 36 inches between rows. Plants do best in full sunlight. Catskill Brussel Sprouts plants have large yields of delicious sprouts. This popular variety has dark green, closely set, 1-1/2" - 2" sprouts that are great fresh and for freezing. Plant grows 20-24" tall.

Celebrity Hybrid Tomato Seeds


70 days AAS winner Determinate Also included in our Tomato Value Pack Package contains 10 Celebrity Hybrid Tomato Seeds. Germination: 7 to 10 days at 75 to 85 F. Plant seeds 1/4 of an inch deep, 24 inches apart with 3 feet between rows. Globe-shaped Celebrity Hybrid Tomatoes grow to be 8 ounces and are firm and crack-free. These tomatoes have great disease resistance and the vines are strong, compact, and productive. Flavorful, and does well in many regions.

Celosia Fresh Look Gold


AAS Winner! 18 inches. The most award winning celosia ever has added a new color. Offering season-long garden color with minimal care, this new celosia performs like a fresh arrangement all summer. Thriving in all kinds of weather, the plant covers up spent plumes by producing new foliage and blooms. Always looking fresh, needing no grooming or deadheading. The central plumes can be 8 to 10 inches high and 5 to 6 inches wide. Package contains 25 Celosia Fresh Look Gold Annual Seeds. Planting Instructions Germination: 10 to 15 days at 70 to 80 F. Cover seeds lightly with soil and...

Chadwick Cherry Tomato Seeds - Heirloom


70-90 days. Possibly the best overall Cherry Tomato, selected by English horticulture genius Alan Chadwick. Has indeterminate vines up to 5 ft., unforgettable flavor, is highly productive, and rare. Package contains 0.1 grams, approximately 30 Chadwick Cherry Tomato Seeds. Planting Instructions Germination: 7 to 10 days at 75 to 85 F. Plant seeds 1/4 of an inch deep, 24 inches apart with 3 feet between plants.

Chamomile, German - Heirloom


Annual. Package contains 0.5 grams, approximately 3,500 German Chamomile Herb Seeds. Germination: 12-15 days at 55-65 F. Leave uncovered and keep soil moist. 20-24 days to transplant. German Chamomile, a member of the daisy family, is a plant that is popularly used for making tea. This annual grows into a bush that gets close to 2 feet tall and sports lovely white blossoms that look quite similar to a daisy. German chamomile can grow well out in the garden as well as in containers and has many culinary uses along with it being an attractive addition to any garden.

Chamomile, Roman - Heirloom


Package contains 0.5 grams, approximately 3,250 Roman Chamomile Herb Seeds. Germination: 10-14 days at 60 degrees F. Sprinkle seeds on well-prepared soil. Roman chamomile is one of the two main chamomile species. Roman chamomile is a low-growing herb that is often used as a ground cover in the garden, and when mown down can also be used as a lawn. Its flowers are similar to daisies in appearance, and the plant gives off an almost apple-like scent.  Many people use chamomile for teas that are meant to calm the nerves and bring relaxation.

Champion Collards Seeds - Heirloom


75 days. Huge, cabbage-like, blue green, slightly crumpled, juicy leaves. Mild cabbage flavor that improves with light frost. It is a non heading type that is slow to bolt. Package contains 0.5 grams, approximately 140 Champion Collards Seeds. Planting Instructions Germination: 7 to 10 days at 55 to 70 F. Plant seeds 1/2 inch deep with 1 inch between plants and 24 to 36 inches between rows.  

Champion II Hybrid Tomato Seeds


62 days Indeterminate Package contains 10 Champion II Hybrid Tomato Seeds. Germination: 8-14 days at 50-75F. Plant 1/2" deep, 24" apart, with 36-48" between rows. Champion II Hybrid tomatoes are perfect for sandwiches and burgers! Indeterminate vines are resistant to disease and produce high yields of flavorful 10-ounce fruits.

Champion Radish Seeds - Heirloom


25 days to harvest. AAS Winner. Deep scarlet, globe-shaped root is very firm and stands well without becoming pithy. Extra large, crunchy and very tasty. Mild-flavored white flesh. Good Shipper. For mildest flavor, grow in the cool weather of spring or fall. Package contains 8 grams, approximately 700 Champion Radish Seeds. Planting Instructions Germination: 4 to 6 days at 50 to 60 F. Plant seeds 1/4 of an inch deep, 1 inch apart with 12 inches between rows.

Chantenay Red Core Carrot Seeds - Heirloom


68 days Biennial Package contains 3 grams, approximately 1,800 Chantenay Red Core Carrot Seeds. Germination: 10-18 days. Plant seeds 1/4-1/2" deep, spaced 2" apart. Chantenay Red Core carrots are true to their name, sporting a signature red-colored core that makes them distinct and a beautiful way to add color to salads and other recipes. These carrots are short and thick, growing about 5-6" long. Chantenay Red Core carrots have a flavor that grows sweeter the longer you store them. These carrots have heavy yields and a small core.

Cheddar Hybrid (Orange) Cauliflower Seeds


70-75 days Package contains 10 Cheddar Hybrid Cauliflower Seeds Germination: 6 to 10 days at 55 to 70 F. Plant seeds 1/2 inch deep with 18 inches between plants and 30 to 36 inches between rows. Cheddar Hybrid Cauliflower heads are a lovely light-orange hue. After cooking, this color becomes even more intense. Leaving the leaves of this cauliflower untied can also improve the color. Plant produces firm heads with great texture. If you live in a warm climate, you can plant in late summer and harvest in fall.

Cherokee Purple Tomato Seeds - Heirloom


80 days Heirloom Indeterminate Package contains 0.25 grams, approximately 90 Cherokee Purple Tomato Seeds. Germination: 7 to 10 days at 75 to 85 F. Plant seeds 1/4" to 1/2" deep with 24" between plants and 3' to 4' between rows. Cherokee Purple tomatoes are known for their beautiful reddish-purple color. These beefsteak fruits can get up to 1 pound and are full of rich flavor.

Cherry Belle Radish Seeds - Heirloom


23 Days to harvest. AAS Winner! Bright, cherry red, round to globe-shaped. Flesh is crystal white, crisp, and mild, with short tops. Widely used for bunching and forcing. Grow best in sandy soils and cool weather. Delicious in salads and other dishes. It is best not to plant radish seeds in the same place 2 years in a row as they are more likely to fall victim to root eating insects. Package contains 8 grams, approximately 700 Cherry Belle Radish Seeds. Planting Instructions Germination: 4 to 6 days at 50 to 60 F. Plant seeds 1/4 of an inch deep,...

Chervil Curled - Heirloom


Annual 42 days to harvest. Package contains 1.5 grams, approximately 525 Chervil Curled Herb Seeds. Germination: 12-15 days at 70 F. Plant 1/8" deep in fine soil and keep soil moderately moist. Curled chervil is an annual plant that is related to parsley. It can be used in cooking like parsley, although it has a stronger flavor that is great for kicking up the taste in more mild dishes. Curled chervil is an especially decorative variety of the chervil plant. It will produce small, white flowers with leaves that are similar to parsley in appearance.  Curled chervil is generally resistant...

Chioggia Beet Seeds - Heirloom


Tops 35 days, roots 55 days to harvest. Heirloom variety Package contains 3 grams, approximately 120 Chioggia Beet Seeds Germination: 7 to 10 days at 40 to 85F. Plant seeds 1/2-3/4" deep with 1 to 2" between plants and 14 to 28" between rows. Chioggia (“key-oh-jah”) beets are a classic Italian garden heirloom variety.  They have been grown and sold throughout the Mediterranean since the 1840’s.  Unlike traditional red beets, Chioggia seeds grow a clean, crisp culinary variety often sliced up for garden salads, garnishes, and pickling.  The inside has a beautiful red and white candycane-striped root,  Chioggia is a...

Chives - Heirloom


Perennial. Package contains 2 grams, approximately 1,700 Chive Herb Seeds. Germination: 12-20 days at 60-70 F. Cover Seeds with 1/2" of soil. Requires darkness and constant moisture during germination period. Chives are a kind of herb that is both ornamental and useful. A member of the onion family, chives are perfect for adding an onion-like flavor to many kinds of recipes. The purple blooms of the chive plant are stunning and will definitely add a pop of color to your garden. Chives can also help repel certain pests. Learn more about Chives in this blog post!

Chives, Garlic - Heirloom


Perennial. 85 days to harvest. Package contains 2 grams, approximately 1,785 Garlic Chive Herb Seeds. Germination: 12-20 days at 60-70 F. Cover Seeds with 1/2" of soil. Requires darkness and constant moisture during germination period. Garlic chives are a hardy, grass-like plant with a garlicky taste. Garlic chives will sport large, white blooms starting in late summer. These chives are used often in Asian cuisine, and are also known as Chinese chives or Chinese leeks.

Cilantro, Slow Bolt - Heirloom


Annual. Package contains 5 grams, approximately 450 Slow Bolt Cilantro Herb Seeds. Soak seeds for 1-2 days and allow to dry. Plant 1/4 inch deep and keep soil moderately moist. Space 3-4" apart, 18-24" between rows Cilantro, also known as coriander, is a popular herb that is used in many types of cuisine due to its very distinctive flavor. It is often used in Mexican recipes such as salsas. The cilantro plant can be quite quick to bolt and go to seed, although the slow blot variety slows down this process. Both the leaves and the seeds of this plant...

Cinderella Pumpkin Seeds - Heirloom


95 to 150 days to harvest. Kids love this antique french heirloom pumpkin. Flatter than regular pumpkins and darker of color, this is the classic 'Cinderella's Coach' pumpkin. Red-orange fruits average 6 inches tall and 18 inches across with very deep sutures. Very decorative, but a little hard to carve because of the deep sutures. One of the best baking pumpkins, the sweet thick flesh has a better flavor than most carving types. Package contains 10 Cinderella Pumpkin Seeds. Planting Instructions Germination: 7 to 10 days at 75 to 85 F. Plant seeds 1" deep in hills 3-4' apart with 4'...

Clemson Spineless Okra Seeds - Heirloom


56 days to harvest. All-American Selection Winner! 6 inch, slightly tapered and ribbed pods on 3 ft. plant. Protect from frost. Best when picked young (approximately 3" long). Adds flavor to soups, stews and meat dishes. Leaves are spineless making harvesting easier. Fine quality and prolific. Package contains 5 grams, approximately 85 Clemson Spineless Okra Seeds. Planting Instructions Germination: 7 to 14 days at 75 to 85 F. Plant seeds 1 inch deep, 18 inches apart with 24 inches between rows.  

Cleome, Queen Mixture


Also known as the Spider flower grows 3 to 5 feet tall. Airy plants bloom all summer and produce strongly scented foliage. Bold landscape plant thrives in the heat. Package contains 20 Cleome Queen Mixture Annual Seeds. Planting Instructions Germination: 8 to 12 days at 70 to 80 F. Leave seeds uncovered. For best results start plants indoors and then transplant in 21 to 25 days. 

Coleus Rainbow Mixture


84 - 91 days to maturity, Package contains 0.25 grams, approximately 800 Coleus Rainbow Mixture Seeds. Coleus Rainbow Mixtures grows dwarf 12 - 15 inch tall shrubs in a mixture of colors including magenta, red, yellow and green.  Spread will be about 9 - 12 inches. Planting Instructions: Start seeds indoors 8 - 12 weeks prior to transplanting.  Seeds will germinate in 7 to 14 days under full light.  They will benefit from partial shade in the hot summer months.  Can be moved indoors over winter and replanted in the spring.

Columbine McKanas Giant


30 inches. Bright color mix has 3-4 inch blooms on a strong stem. Zones 3-9. Package contains 0.5 grams, approximately 495 Columbine McKanas Giant - Perennial Seeds. Columbine McKanas Giant - Perennial Seeds Very hardy. Does well in partial shade. Cover seeds lightly with soil.  

Coneflower, Purple


Perennial, 2 to 3 feet. Blooms in summer. Lavender-purple daisy-like flowers with mahogany cones. Likes full sun. Package contains 1 gram, approximately 190 Coneflower, Purple - Wildflower Seeds. Planting Instructions Germination: 10 to 15 days at 65 to 70 F. When planting seeds cover seeds lightly with soil. For best results start seeds indoors then transfer outside 20-28 days after.

Connecticut Field Pumpkin Seeds - Heirloom


110 days. Large, 18 lb. deep orange pumpkins with thick flesh and flattened bottoms. A favorite for pies and Jack-O-Lanterns. Fruit is medium orange in color, about 10 inches high and 12 inches in diameter. Rind is smooth with shallow ribs. Flesh is sweet, thick and course. Package contains 8 grams, approximately 60 Connecticut Field Pumpkin Seeds. Planting Instructions Germination: 7 to 10 days at 75 to 85 F. Plant seeds 1 inch deep, 24 inches apart with 4 feet between rows.

Contender Bush Bean Seeds - Heirloom


49 days to harvest. Bush growth habit. Package contains 4 ounces, approximately 200 Contender Bush Bean Seeds. Included in our Survival Seeds. Germination: 5 to 8 days at 70 to 85 F. Plant seeds 1 to 1 1/2 inches deep with 4 - 6 inches between the plants and 18 to 24 inches between rows. Contender Bush Beans produce curved, 6-8” green pods. These beans are especially good for shorter growing seasons since they start producing earlier than other bean varieties. Beans have a wonderful, distinctive flavor.

Copenhagen Market Cabbage Seeds - Heirloom


70 days. Package contains 3 grams, approximately 750 Copenhagen Market Cabbage Seeds Germination 6 to 10 days at 50 to 60 F. Plant seeds 1/4 to 1/2 inch deep with 12 to 18 inches between plants and 24 and 36 inches between rows. This high-yielding, early cabbage produces 7-inch heads that are tight and suitable for smaller garden spaces. Copenhagen Market Cabbages keep well and are very tender and full of flavor.



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