Annual Flower Seeds
Home Annual Flower Seeds
Home Annual Flower Seeds
Begonia Tuberous Series
Annual Seeds. 119 - 133 days to maturity. Package contains 10 Pelleted Begonia Tuberous Series Seeds. Choose your color below. Begonia Tuberous Series produces 8 – 12 inch tall dwarfed mounds with a 12 – 15” inch spread of waxy leaves and huge 3 – 4 inch blooms. Planting Instructions: For best results start seeds indoors and then transplant after 6 to 8 weeks. These are not generally direct sown. Begonia Tuberous Series may take 21 to 28 days to germinate with full lighting. These are somewhat drought tolerant.
Sweet Pea Everlasting Mixed Color
Perennial Sweet Pea. Rambling vine grows to 6 feet or more. Spreads of 4 to 6 feet. Blooms in rose, white, purple and red. Zones 5-9. Sweet Peas are climbers and will need some sort of support around which they can wrap their tendrils. So beautiful in flower arrangements! Package contains 1 gram, approximately 15-20 Sweet Pea Everlasting Mixed Color Seeds. Planting Instructions Direct sow Sweet Pea seeds in average soil in direct sunlight early Spring. Germination: 10 to 14 days depending on soil and weather condition. Sow seeds 3 inches apart and cover with 2 inches of soil, thin...
Vinca Pacifica XP Series - Pick Your Color Below
Pacifica offers a very compact and basal-branching habit. Huge, 2 inch flowers with nicely overlapping petals, and strong performance in pack and garden. Package contains 50 Vinca Pacifica XP Series - Annual Seeds. Planting Instructions Germination: 10 to 14 days at 65 to 70 F. Cover seeds with 1/4 of an inch of soil. Very hardy plant that will grow even in poor soil.
Sunflower, Mammoth Grey Stripe
80 days. For seed production. 10 to 12 inch heads on plant 6 feet tall or more. Thin-shelled, striped seeds are plump and meaty. Package contains 10 grams, approximately 100 Sunflower, Mammoth Grey Stripe Annual Seeds. Learn more about Mammoth Grey Stripe Sunflower in this blog post! Planting Instructions Germination: 5 to 10 days at 68 to 72 F. Cover seeds completely with soil. Water well and keep moist until sprouted.
Lobelia, Crystal Palace Seeds
5-6 inches. The bronze-green foliage of this dwarf lobelia contrasts superbly with the dark blue flowers. Good heat tolerance. Package contains 0.1 grams, may come in pellets or loose seed. Approximately 60 Lobelia, Crystal Palace Annual Seeds. Planting Instructions Germination: 14 to 20 days at 70 to 80 F. Leave seeds uncovered. Plants may be transplanted in 20 to 25 days.
Alyssum Royal Carpet
AAS Winner! Alyssum Royal Carpet seeds are easy to grow. Flowers are a violet-purple that bloom quickly. Plant in full or part sun. Has a sweet honey-like fragrance. Height 4 inches. Recommended zones 3-14. Package contains 0.5 grams, approximately 1,600 Alyssum Royal Carpet Annual Seeds. Planting Instructions Germination: 8 to 10 days at 78 to 82 F. Leave seeds uncovered. Plants will spread and bloom quickly.
Zinnia, Thumbelina Mix
6 inch. The ideal zinnia for edging and borders. Covered in 1 to 1 1/2 inch double blooms in bright colors. The shortest of all zinnias. Package contains 1 gram, approximately 150 Zinnia, Thumbelina Mix - Annual Seeds. Planting Instructions Germination: 4 to 8 days at 70 to 72 F. Cover seeds completely with soil. Ready for transplant in 10 to 15 days.
Marigold, Petite Mixture
6 inches. Early-flowering, very uniform and compact. Plants bear an abundance of double flowers in shades from yellow to orange/red. Package contains 1 gram, approximately 320 Marigold, Petite Mixture - Annual Seeds. Planting Instructions Germination: 7 days at 72 - 75 F. Cover seeds lightly with soil. Plants may be transplanted in 10 to 15 days.
Zinnia, Dahlia Flowered Mix
24-30 inches. Large, flat, semi-double flowers on strong stalks. Package contains 2 grams, approximately 300 Zinnia, Dahlia Flowered Mix - Annual Seeds. Planting Instructions Germination: 4 to 8 days at 70 to 72 F. Cover seeds completely with soil. Ready to transplant in 10 to 15 days.
Marigold, Sparky Mixture
Our Marigold, Sparky Mixture grow to be 12 - 14 inches tall with distinctive 2 -3 inch flowers. Double flowers have broad, flat petals. These annuals will give your garden the sparkle you desire. Thus, the name "Sparky Mixture". Easy to grow, great for all gardeners. Package contains 1 gram, approximately 320 Marigold, Sparky Mixture - Annual Seeds. Planting Instructions Germination: 7 days at 72 to 75 F. When planting seeds cover lightly with soil. Plants may be started indoors and then moved outside after 10-15 days.
Sunflower, Autumn Beauty
60 inches. Bold, beautiful flowers up to 8" across in a splendid mixture of bright yellow, bronze and purple shades with some bicolors. Multi-branching sunflower produces many long stemmed flowers perfect for spectacular bouquets. Package contains 4 grams, approximately 160 Autumn Beauty Sunflower Seeds. Planting Instructions Germination: 5 to 10 days at 68 to 72 F. Cover seeds completely with soil. Water well and keep moist until sprouted.
Marigold, Cracker Jack Mix
Grow up to 3 feet. Vigorous large plant holds flowers well above the foliage. The gold and yellow blooms are 3 1/2 to 5 inches across. Excellent for background planting and home garden cut flowers. Raw seed. Package contains 2 grams, approximately 320 Marigold, Cracker Jack Mix - Annual Seeds. Planting Instructions Germination: 7 days at 72 -75 F. Cover seeds lightly with soil. Plants can be transplanted in 10 to 15 days.
Nasturtium Jewel Mixture
Plants grow to about 12 inches. They produce bright colored semi-double 2 to 2 1/2 inch flowers held above the foliage. Package contains 5 grams, approximately 35 Nasturtium Jewel Mixture Annual Seeds. Planting Instructions Germination: 10 to 14 days at 65 to 70 F. Cover seeds completely with soil when planting. Will grow in partial or full light and doesn't require rich soil.
Zinnia, California Giant
These Beauties reach up to 3 - 4 feet tall. Magnificent, 4-5 inch, flat petal, semi-double flowers on strong, tall plants. Mixture of cherry, orange, pink, purple, scarlet, and yellow. These Zinnia are so easy to grow and beautiful!!! Package contains 5 grams, approximately 480 Zinnia, California Giant - Annual Seeds. Planting Instructions Germination: 4 to 8 days at 70 to 72 F. Cover completely with soil. Ready to transplant in 10 to 15 days.
Sunflower, Teddy Bear
16 inches. A short, branching sunflower with large 3 to 5 inch double flowers of golden yellow. Fluffy double flowers good for cutting or makes an eye-catching border. Package contains 2 grams, approximately 90 Sunflower, Teddy Bear - Annual Seeds. Planting Instructions Germination: 5 to 10 days at 68 to 72 F. Cover seeds completely with soil. Water well and keep moist until sprouted.
Zinnia, Lilliput Mixed Colors
24 inches. A complete color range of 1 1/2 to 2 inch pompom type blooms with long stems. Package contains 2 grams, approximately 300 Zinnia, Lilliput Mixed Colors - Annual Seeds. Planting Instructions Germination: 4 to 8 days at 70 to 72 F. Cover seeds completely with soil. Ready for transplant in 10 to 15 days.
Cosmos, Sensation Mix
4 feet. This bushy mixture displays 2 inch blooms of rose, crimson, white, and pink. Package contains 2 grams, approximately 150 Cosmos, Sensation Mix - Annual Seeds. Planting Instructions Germination: 5 to 7 days at 70F. Cover seeds completely with soil. For best results start seeds indoors and then transplant 11- 15 days later.
Baby's Breath Seeds
90 - 105 days to maturity. Package contains 2 grams, approximately 1,000 Baby's Breath Seeds. Baby's Breath Seeds produce 24 - 36 inch tall shrubs with a 24 - 36 inch spread covered with 1/2 inch daisy blooms. Planting Instructions: Seeds can be sown directly after the last frost. Germination will take 7 - 21 days with full lighting. Prefers full sun. Planting Depth: 1/4" Plant Spacing: 12-18"
Edible Flower Mix
A mix of different edible flowers and herbs make up this beautiful mixture that will spice up your meals and add a nice splash of color to your garden. Package contains 5 grams of Edible Flower Mix Seeds, enough seeds to cover about 20 square feet of space. Water at base to avoid potential mold, rust or mildew from developing. Edible flower mix includes: Borage, Cilantro, Nasturium, Calendula, Cornflower, Sweet William Wee Willie, Chives; Lemon Mint, Pansy, Johnny Jump-Up, Lavender Hyssop; and English Daisy. Planting Instructions Germination: Broadcast spread after last frost similar to wildflowers. Evenly rake and tamp seeds.
Cosmos, Bright Lights
30 to 36 inches. Our Cosmos Bright Lights Seed Mixture has gorgeous red, orange and yellow shades. These flowers attract birds and butterflies and are very low maintenance. Great for most soils and requires little water. Package contains 1 gram, approximately 150 Cosmos Bright Lights-Annual Seeds. Planting Instructions Germination: 5 to 7 days at 70F. Plant seeds by covering them completely, but lightly with soil. For best results begin plants indoors and then transplant in 11 to 15 days.
Petunia Madness Series Seeds
Annual Seeds. 98 - 105 days to maturity. Package contains 20 Pelleted Petunia Madness Series Seeds. Choose your color below. Petunia Madness Series Pelleted Seeds produces 10 – 15 inch tall mounding uprights with a 10 – 12 inch wide spread of classic 3 inch blooms. Planting Instructions: For best results start seeds indoors 10 - 12 weeks before the final frost and transplant once there are two sets of true leaves. Seeds will germinate in about 14 days with full light. Harden off in a partially shaded spot before transplanting. They will benefit from partial shade in the heat...
Salvia, Evolution
AAS Winner. A new color in farinaceas, this Salvia sports 6 to 7 inch flower spikes of violet. Plant reaches 16 to 24 inches tall and spreads 16 to 19 inches. Easy to grow variety has few disease or pest problems. Package contains 50 Salvia Evolution - Annual Seeds. Planting Instructions Germination: 10 to 14 days at 65 to 70 F. Press seeds lightly into soil. Water seeds gently to prevent washing them away.
Celosia Fresh Look Gold
AAS Winner! 18 inches. The most award winning celosia ever has added a new color. Offering season-long garden color with minimal care, this new celosia performs like a fresh arrangement all summer. Thriving in all kinds of weather, the plant covers up spent plumes by producing new foliage and blooms. Always looking fresh, needing no grooming or deadheading. The central plumes can be 8 to 10 inches high and 5 to 6 inches wide. Package contains 25 Celosia Fresh Look Gold Annual Seeds. Planting Instructions Germination: 10 to 15 days at 70 to 80 F. Cover seeds lightly with soil and...
Moon Flower, Night Flowering
Easy to grow, vigorous vines can get up to 20 feet long. Blossoming on the vines are huge 5 - 6 inch fragrant flowers that open in the evening and stay open until the next morning. Great for arbors and as privacy screens. Package contains 1.5 grams, approximately 6 Moon Flower, Night Flowering - Annual Seeds. Planting Instructions Soak seeds for 8 hours before planing. Sow seeds outdoors after all danger of frost is past. Cover seeds with 1/4 of an inch of soil. Plant in direct sunlight for stronger plants.
Snapdragon Maximum Mix
Taller Snapdragons in a rainbow of cheerful colors. Great for cut flowers, and ideal for the cottage garden. They are easy to grow preferring cooler weather, and partial shade in hot weather. Often grown as annuals. Can reseed without being invasive. Package contains 0.3 grams, approximately 1,000 Snapdragon Maximum Mix Seeds. Planting Instructions: Direct sow in early spring. Sprinkle seeds 8” apart into finely raked soil, firm down (do not cover) and keep moist until germination. Germination 12-21 days at 60 - 70 F. Or start indoors 8-10 weeks before last frost date.
Alyssum Carpet Of Snow
Great for hanging baskets, beds, hanging pots and in front of other flowers. Height is 4-6 inches. Produces classic white alyssum flowers. Although this plant is a Annual, we have found that it will reseed itself. Carpet of Snow seeds are very easy to grow. Recommended zones 1-11 as an annual and zones 4-9 as a perennial . Package contains 1 gram, approximately 3,200 Alyssum Carpet of Snow Seeds. Planting Instructions Germination: 8 to 10 days at 78 to 82 F. Leave seeds uncovered. Plants spread and bloom quickly.
Larkspur/Delphinium Giant Imperial Mix
This beautiful flowering perennial plant can grow up to 4 feet. Planting from seed will give you plants anywhere from 1 to 4 feet in just a few months. These upright plants produce excellent-quality blooms on strong spikes. Perfect for floral arrangements or added color to your yard. Prefer cool climates of 65 to 70 degrees. Plant in full sun or partial shade areas. Package contains 0.5 grams, approximately 140 Larkspur/Delphinium Giant Imperial Mix - Annual Seeds. Planting Instructions Germination: 10 to 20 days at 55 to 65 F. Plant seeds by covering the seeds completely with soil (1/4 inch)...
Sweet Pea Royal Family Mix
Heat resistant variety with large, long lasting flowers. Blooms over an extended season. Displays a full range of clear, bright colors. Package contains 5 grams, approximately 60-65 Sweet Pea Royal Family Mix - Annual Seeds. Planting Instructions Germination: 7 to 10 days at 65 to 72 F. Cover seeds completely with soil 6 inches apart. Plants prefer full sun.
Strawflower Sultane Mix Seeds
Annual Seeds. 75 - 85 days to maturity. Package contains 50 Strawflower Sultane Mix Seeds. Strawflower Sultane Mix Seeds produce 36 - 40 inch bushy shrubs with 8 – 10 inch spread of bright, double-pedaled 2 – 3 inch blooms. Planting Instructions: Start seeds indoors 3 - 5 weeks before last frost. Germination in 7 to 10 days in full light, do not cover seeds as light is required for germination.
Aster Crego Giant Mixture
Annual Seeds: Aster Crego Giant Mixture are a favorite for cut-flower bouquets. Plant height is 2 feet. Unique feathery blooms include azure, navy, blue, crimson, deep rose, pink, purple, and white. Recommended zones 4-9. Asters prefer full sun/partial shade. Package contains 1.5 grams, approximately 400 Aster Crego Giant Mixture-Annual Seeds. Planting Instructions: Germination: 8 to 10 days at 70 F. Cover seeds lightly with soil when planting. For best results start seeds indoors and then transplant after 15 to 20 days.
Sweet William, Wee Willie
3-6 inches. This annual variety produces a colorful mix of single blooms on compact, well-branched plants just 6-8 weeks from sowing. Package contains 0.25 grams, approximately 125 Sweet William, Wee Willie - Annual Seeds. Planting Instructions Germination: 7 to 10 days at 68 to 72 F. Cover seeds lightly with soil. Ready to transplant in 13 to 18 days.
Cleome, Queen Mixture
Also known as the Spider flower grows 3 to 5 feet tall. Airy plants bloom all summer and produce strongly scented foliage. Bold landscape plant thrives in the heat. Package contains 20 Cleome Queen Mixture Annual Seeds. Planting Instructions Germination: 8 to 12 days at 70 to 80 F. Leave seeds uncovered. For best results start plants indoors and then transplant in 21 to 25 days.
Bells of Ireland Seeds
98 - 112 days to maturity. Package contains 0.5 grams, approximately 70 Bells of Ireland Seeds. Bells of Ireland boast 24 – 36” tall stalks brimming with lime green “bell-shaped” blooms. Bells of Ireland seeds are cool summer annuals and thrive best when sown directly in the garden two weeks prior to the final frost. However, for earliest blooms, begin indoors 6 – 8 weeks prior to the final frost and then transplant to a cool place in the garden. Bells of Ireland seeds will germinate in 14 – 21 days with full lighting. Plants may reseed unless stems are cut...
Statice QIS Series Seeds
Annual Seeds. 91 - 105 days to maturity. Package contains 20 Statice QIS Series Seeds. Choose your color below. Statice QIS Series Seeds produce 30 – 36 inch tall bushy uprights with an 8 – 10 inch spread and 18 inch tall stems with beautiful clusters of leafy, papery flowers. Planting Instructions: These may be direct sown after the last frost but for earlier blooms start seeds 6 - 8 weeks prior to the last frost. Seeds will germinate in 5 - 14 days in complete darkness at 70F. Plants are fairly drought tolerant and prefer full sun.
Four O'Clocks, Marvel of Peru
36 inches. Bushy plant produces trumpet shaped, 2 inch, multicolored flowers that open in late afternoon. Good for background planting or makes a striking annual hedge. Package contains 1 gram, approximately 10 Four O'Clock Marvel of Peru Seeds. Planting Instructions Germination: 4 to 6 days at 72 F. Plant seeds by covering them lightly with soil. May be transplanted after 8 to 12 days.
Dianthus (Carnation) Chabaud Series
Annual Seeds 130 - 140 days to maturity. Package contains 50 Dianthus (Carnation) Chabaud Series Seeds. Choose your color below. Dianthus (Carnation) Chabaud Series 24 - 30 inch tall foliage with uniquely fringed 2 inch frilly double blooms, with some singles. Planting Instructions: For best results start seeds indoors 6 - 8 weeks before last frost. Germination will take 7 - 14 days and then transplant after there are two sets of true leaves.
Midget Mix Stock Seeds - Heirloom
Midget Mix Stock seeds grow compact 8 – 12” dwarf plants ideal for indoor gardening and adding natural aromatics to your home. Midget Mix Stock seeds are hardy, easy to grow from seed, and for generations has been selectively crossed to produce brilliant 60 – 80% double blooms. Midget Mix stock is a nostalgic floral shop favorite and promises to add a professional charm to your seasonal arrangements, baskets, and bouquets. Color mixture of lavender, rose, canary, peach, burgundy, cream, ivory, red, and purple. Midget Mix stock seeds grow fragrant, elegant, timeless, and cold-tolerant blooms when other flowers would wither. Package contains...
Heavenly Blue Morning Glory
Morning glories are annual climbers with slender stems, heart-shaped leaves, and trumpet-shaped flowers. They have a beautiful shape before they unfold in the sun and have very attractive foliage. In warmer areas, train these climbers over a pergola or arch, or use as dense groundcover. The vine grows quickly—up to 15 feet in one season—and self-seed fairly easily. The flowers bloom from early summer to the first frost. Their vibrant 4-5" blooms are bright blue with white throats which attract butterflies and hummingbirds. Package contains 2 grams, approximately 25 Heavenly Blue Morning Glory Seeds. Planting and Care: Grow these annuals in a sunny, sheltered site. They need a...
Geranium Pinto Premium Series Seeds
91 - 105 days to maturity, Package contains 10 Geranium Pinto Premium Series Seeds. Choose your color below. Geranium Pinto Premium Series seeds grow 12 - 18 inch tall mounding uprights with a 12 inch spread and enormous 4 – 5 inch clusters of classic geranium blooms. Planting Instructions: Can be sown directly after the last frost but for earliest blooms start seeds indoors 8 - 10 weeks prior to transplanting. Seeds will germinate in 5 to 7 days with no light necessary. They are fairly hardy and can handle heat and drought fairly well.
Kniphofia Flamenco Seeds
112 - 126 days to maturity; perennial in zones 5 - 10. Package contains 10 Kniphofia Flamenco Seeds. Kniphofia Flamenco Seeds grow 36 - 48 inch plants with a 24 - 36 inch spread consisting of dense firey red blooms. Hardy plants that can handle full sun and drought conditions well. Can benefit from midday shade in excessive heat. Planting Instructions: Seeds may be directly sown after last frost, but for earliest blooms begin seeds indoors 8 - 10 weeks prior to transplant. Seeds will germinate in 21 - 28 days in full lighting. Be sure to harden the plants off in a full...
Bachelor's Buttons Seeds Mixed Colors
This annual flower may grow to a height of 24 inches. Bachelor's Buttons has a bushy growth habit, where the vine-like stems adorn white, blue, and pink flowers. Good for cut flowers. Very hardy. Package contains 3 grams, approximately 1,200 Bachelor's Buttons Mixed Colors Annual Seeds. Planting Instructions Germination: 8 to 10 days at 65 to 70 F. Plant seeds 1/4 inch deep with a light amount of soil on top of them with 4 inches between plants and 4 inches between rows. The spread is about 6 inches and grow to 18 to 24 inches in height.
Italian Dandelion Seeds - Heirloom
20+(baby leaves, flowers), 65+(roots) Perennial Package contains 1 gram, approximately 600 Italian Dandelion Seeds. Germination: 10 to 14 days at 41 to 68F. It is not recommended that you grow when soil temperatures are greater than 77 F as the seeds will go dormant. Plant seeds 1/2 inch deep with 4 - 18 inches between rows Italian Dandelions, which are different from True Dandelions, are vigorous growers and entirely edible with forest-green leaves that provide savory flavor when cooked, similar to collard greens. Dried chicory can also be added to coffee.
Calendula Pacific Beauty Seeds
98 - 105 days to maturity. Package contains 2 grams, approximately 150 Calendula Pacific Beauty Seeds. Calendula Pacific Beauty Seeds grow 15 - 18 inch tall stems with 3 - 4 inch marigold-like bulbs. These have the hardiness of a wildflower and are more heat tolerant than other Calendula varieties. Planting Instructions: Begin seeds indoors 6 to 8 weeks prior to transplant. Seeds will germinate in complete darkness within 7 to 14 days. Be sure to harden the plants off in a partially shaded spot before transplanting. These like full sun to partial shade.
Snapdragon Sonnet Series - Mixed Color
Easy to grow plants are sturdy in the garden due to strong root systems and sturdy stems.Continuous blooming, including a second flush when cut back. Use in garden beds and patio containers, as well as for cut flowers. Blooms are brightly colored and fragrant. Package contains 50 Snapdragon Sonnet Series - Mixed Color Seeds. Planting Instructions: Direct sow in early spring. Sprinkle seeds 8” apart into finely raked soil, firm down (do not cover) and keep moist until germination. Germination 12-21 days at 60 - 70 F. Or start indoors 8-10 weeks before last frost date.
Nasturtium Whirlybird Mixture
55 to 65 days to maturity. Package contains 4 grams, approximately 30 Nasturtium Whirlybird Mixture Seeds. Plants grow to about 12 inches. They produce bright colored semi-double 2 to 2 1/2 inch flowers held above the foliage. Produces edible flowers in a mixture of scarlet, pale yellow, soft peach, gold tangerine, and cherry rose. Planting Instructions: Direct sow after last frost. Germination in 10 to 14 days at 65 to 70 F. Cover seeds completely with soil when planting. Will grow in partial or full light and doesn't require rich soil.
Impatiens Dazzler Series Seeds
70 - 77 days to maturity, Package contains 10 Impatiens Dazzler Series Seeds. Choose your color below. Impatiens Dazzler Series seeds grow 8 - 10 inch tall mounds with a 10 inch spread of 1 - 2 inch blooms. Planting Instructions: For earliest blooms start seeds indoors 8 - 10 weeks before the final frost. Seeds will germinate in 14 - 21 days with full lighting. They prefer partial shade in the hot summer months. Be sure to harden off before transplanting outside.
Nasturtium Alaska Mixture
55 to 60 days to maturity. Package contains 4 grams, approximately 30 Nasturtium Alaska Mixture Seeds. Plants grow to about 12 inches. They produce bright colored semi-double 2 to 2 1/2 inch flowers held above the foliage. Produces edible flowers in a mixture of yellow, salmon, cherry and crimson. Planting Instructions: Direct sow after last frost. Germination in 10 to 14 days at 65 to 70 F. Cover seeds completely with soil when planting. Will grow in partial or full light and doesn't require rich soil.
Coleus Rainbow Mixture
84 - 91 days to maturity, Package contains 0.25 grams, approximately 800 Coleus Rainbow Mixture Seeds. Coleus Rainbow Mixtures grows dwarf 12 - 15 inch tall shrubs in a mixture of colors including magenta, red, yellow and green. Spread will be about 9 - 12 inches. Planting Instructions: Start seeds indoors 8 - 12 weeks prior to transplanting. Seeds will germinate in 7 to 14 days under full light. They will benefit from partial shade in the hot summer months. Can be moved indoors over winter and replanted in the spring.
Linaria Spurred Snapdragon Seeds
63 - 70 days to maturity. Package contains 0.5 grams, approximately 200 Linaria Spurred Snapdragon Seeds. Linaria Spurred Snapdragon Seeds grow 18 - 24 inch tall shrubby uprights with a 9 - 12 inch spread consisting of floreted snapdragon-like stalks. Vibrant shades of peach, canary, rose, cherry, ivory, yellow, orange, magenta, and white. Hardy plants but do better with shade during the long summer months. Planting Instructions: Seeds may be directly sown after last frost, but for earliest blooms begin seeds indoors 6 - 8 weeks prior to transplant. Be sure to harden the plants off in a full sun spot before transplanting.
Verbena Ideal Florist Strain Seeds
90 - 100 days to maturity. Package contains 0.5 grams, approximately 150 Verbena Ideal Florist Strain Seeds. Verbena Ideal Florist Strain Seeds grow 8 inch tall stems with a beautiful blend of white, scarlet, pink and purple flowers with white centers. These are perfect for hanging baskets or window boxes. Planting Instructions: Begin seeds indoors 12 to 14 weeks prior to final frost. Seeds are slow to germinate and will take 14 - 28 days in complete darkness. Transplant only after there are at least two sets of true leaves. Prefers full sun.
Strawflower Copper Red Seeds
Annual Seeds. 75 - 85 days to maturity. Package contains 50 Strawflower Copper Red Seeds. Strawflower Copper Red Seeds produce 36 - 40 inch bushy shrubs with 8 – 10 inch spread of bright, double-pedaled 2 – 3 inch blooms. Planting Instructions: Start seeds indoors 3 - 5 weeks before last frost. Germination in 7 to 10 days in full light, do not cover seeds as light is required for germination.
Strawflower Tall Double Mix Seeds
Annual Seeds. 70 - 84 days to maturity. Package contains 0.5 grams, approximately 50 Strawflower Tall Double Mix Seeds. Strawflower Tall Double Mix Seeds produce 24 – 36 inch bushy shrubs with 8 – 10 inch spread of bright, double-pedaled 2 – 3 inch blooms. Planting Instructions: Sow seeds directly outdoors 1 - 2 weeks before the last frost. Germination will take 7 days or more depending on conditions. They are very drought and heat tolerant, make sure to stake tall plants.
Linum Blue Flax Seeds
63 - 70 days to maturity. Package contains 1 gram, approximately 1,000 Linum Blue Flax Seeds. Linum Blue Flax Seeds grow 18 - 24 inch tall shrubby uprights with a 12 inch spread consisting of 2 inch sky blue and lavender blooms with a yellow eye. Hardy plants but do better with partial shade during the long summer months. Planting Instructions: Direct sow seeds after the last frost.
African Daisy Dimorphotheca Mixed Color Seeds - Heirloom
70 - 77 days to maturity, Package contains 1 gram, approximately 450 Dimorphotheca Mixed Color Seeds. Dimorphotheca Mixed Color grows 12 - 14 inch tall mounding African Daisies with 2 inch tangerine, canary and apricot blooms. Planting Instructions: These are easy to grow from seed and can be direct sown after the last frost. For earliest season colors, start seeds indoors 8 - 10 weeks prior to transplanting. Seeds will germinate in 7 to 21 days under full light. These are hardy and can withstand the heat of summer well. Harden off in full sun before transplanting.
Aster Powderpuff Mixture
Annual Seeds. 91 - 105 days to maturity. Package contains 2 grams, approximately 400 Aster Powderpuff Mixture Seeds. Aster Powderpuff Mixture produces 12 – 36 inch tall bushy upright stems with a 6 – 12 inch spread of huge 3 – 5 inch blooms Planting Instructions: Germination: 8 to 10 days at 70 F. Cover seeds lightly with soil when planting. For best results start seeds indoors and then transplant after 6 to 8 weeks. You can also direct sow after last frost. Requires consistently moist soil, is not drought-tolerant.