
showing 1 - 2 of 2 products

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Red Lentil Organic Sprouting Seeds


Package contains 8 ounces of Red Lentil Organic Sprouting Seeds. Soak Seeds for 10 hours and rinse. Place in warm area out of direct sunlight. Rinse 3-4 times a day. Sprouts ready in 2 days. Store in sealed bag in refrigerator 1 week maximum. Red lentils are easy to sprout. The sprouts are somewhat spicy and are delicious when added to soups, salads, or casseroles. Sprouting Instructions: These instructions refer to jar sprouting, but can be used as a general outline for sprouting: 1. Soak the sprouting seeds in about 3x the amount of water. Soak for about 10 hours....

Green Lentil Organic Sprouting Seeds


Package contains 8 ounces of Green Lentil Organic Sprouting Seeds. Soak seeds for 10 hours and rinse. Place in warm area out of direct sunlight. Rinse 3 to 4 times a day. Sprouts ready in 2 days. Store in a sealed bag in the refrigerator for up to a week. Green lentils are quite easy to sprout, and taste great! Lentil sprouts are high in protein, fiber and vitamins. They are wonderfully crunchy. Sprouting Instructions: These instructions refer to jar sprouting, but can be used as a general outline for sprouting: 1. Soak the sprouting seeds in about 3x the...



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