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Ambrosia Hybrid (se) Corn Seeds


75 days Package contains 20 grams, approximately 100 Ambrosia Hybrid Corn Seeds. Germination: 7-10 days at 50-85F. Plant 1-1 1/2" deep, 4-6" apart, with 30-36" between rows. This yellow/white bicolor, homozygous sugar enhanced (se) corn has a creamy, delicious taste and is very sweet. Ears grow about 8 inches long on 78 inch stalks. Ambrosia Hybrid Corn is great for markets and shipping.

Blue Hopi Corn Seeds - Heirloom


75-90 days Package contains 20 grams, approximately 130 Blue Hopi Ornamental Hybrid Corn Seeds. Germination: 4-12 days at 60-85F. Plant 2-4" deep, 12-18" apart, with 30-36" between rows. Blue Hopi Corn is not normally eaten right off the cob. This decorative corn can be turned to corn flour/meal and used for chips, corn bread, and tortillas. The stalks of this plant will reach 5 feet high with ears that get around 7 inches. Kernels are a very dark blue color. The ears are also great as a fall decoration.

Bodacious Hybrid (se) Corn Seeds


75 days to harvest. Package contains approximately 100 Bodacious Hybrid Corn Seeds. Germination: 6 to 12 days at 70 to 80 F. Plant seeds 2 inches deep with 12 inches between plants and 30 to 36 inches between rows. The stalks of the Bodacious Hybrid Corn plant can grow up to 7 feet tall. These stalks produce 8 inch ears with 16-18 rows of sweet, bright yellow kernels. This corn will taste better for longer after harvest than other corn, meaning you don’t have to rush to eat it as soon as you pick it.

Carousel Ornamental Corn Seeds - Heirloom


104 days Open pollinated Package contains 10 grams, approximately 135 Carousel Ornamental Corn Seeds. Produces miniature ears that grow 5" long or less. Carousel Ornamental Corn is wonderfully decorative with its multicolored kernels. Avoid planting this variety near sweet corn.

Early Sunglow Hybrid (su) Corn Seeds


63 days Package contains 20 Grams, approximately 100 Early Sunglow Hybrid Corn Seeds.  NOTE: Seeds may be treated Germination: 6 to 12 days at 70 to 80 F. Plant seeds 2 inches deep with 12 inches between plants and 30 to 36 inches between rows. Early Sunglow Hybrid Corn is well-suited for shorter growing seasons. Ears of plump yellow corn grow 6-7 inches long on 4 foot tall stalks. This variety can also handle some cooler temperatures.

Golden Bantam Sweet (op) Corn Seeds - Heirloom


68 to 80 days Heirloom variety (open pollinated) Package contains 20 grams, approximately 100 Golden Bantam Sweet Corn Seeds. Also found in Family Survival Seed Pack and our Preparedness Seed Bank. Germination: 6 to 12 days at 70 to 80 F. Plant seeds 2 inches deep 12 inches apart with 30 to 36 inches between rows. Golden Bantam 8 Corn is a wonderful open-pollinated corn that grows ears with 8 rows of golden kernels. The stalks grow up to 6 feet tall and are high-yielding. This reliable corn is very popular for good reason. Best enjoyed freshly picked, or you can freeze...

Honey and Cream Hybrid (su) Corn Seeds


84 days Package contains 20 grams, approximately 80 Honey and Cream Hybrid Corn Seeds.  NOTE: Seeds may be treated. Germination: 7-10 days at 50-86F. Plant 1-1 1/2" deep, 4-6" apart, with 30-36" between rows. This creamy, delicious corn has bi-color kernels that are juicy, plump, and sweet. Honey and Cream Hybrid Corn gets its name from its combination of sweet yellow kernels and creamy white kernels, which combine to create a wonderful taste. Good fresh as well as for freezing.

Honey Select Hybrid (syn) Corn Seeds


79 days AAS winner Package contains 20 grams, approximately 95 Honey Select Hybrid Corn Seeds. Germination: 6 to 12 days at 70 to 80 F. Plant seeds 1 inch deep, 12 inches apart, with 30 to 36 inches between rows. This TripleSweet variety of corn has ears with kernels that are 75% Sugary-Enhanced and 25% Super Sweet, meaning this corn has a wonderful flavor and is deliciously sweet! Honey Select Hybrid Corn ears grow 8 inches long and have a longer harvest time than other corn.

Incredible Hybrid (se) Corn Seeds


85 days Package contains 20 grams, approximately 100 Incredible Hybrid Corn Seeds. Disease resistant Germination: 7-10 days at 50-85F. Plant 1-1 1/2" deep, 4-6" apart, with 30-36" between rows. This corn truly lives up to its name! Incredible Hybrid Corn is a sugary enhanced variety with great holding ability. The well-filled, 8-9 inch ears of deliciously sweet kernels are perfect for eating right out of the garden.

Jubilee Hybrid (su) Corn Seeds


81 days Package contains 20 grams, approximately 100 Jubilee Hybrid Corn Seeds. Germination: 6 to 12 days at 70 to 80 F. Plant seeds 2 inches deep, 12 inches apart with 30 to 36 inches between rows.Plant in full sun when soil has warmed and danger of frost is past. Jubilee Hybrid Corn Seeds are a popular choice because of their large yields and great taste. This corn is perfect for eating fresh or for canning and freezing. Stalks get about 7 feet high and produce 9 inch ears of yellow kernels. Jubilee Hybrid Corn really holds its flavor and...

Kandy Korn Hybrid (se) Corn Seeds


84 days Package contains 20 grams, approximately 100 Kandy Korn Hybrid Corn Seeds. Germination: 6 to 12 days at 70 to 80 F. Plant seeds 2 inches deep, 12 inches apart with 30 to 36 inches between rows. Kandy Korn Hybrid Corn can be recognized by its 7-8 foot reddish stalks. The ears grow 8 inches long and are full of golden yellow, sweet, juicy kernels. This corn has a very good holding ability, keeping its great flavor even after 2 weeks left on the stalk. Best planted in blocks.

NK 199 Hybrid (su) Corn Seeds

From $4.49

83 days 20 gram package contains approximately 100 NK 199 Hybrid Corn Seeds Germination: 7-10 days at 50-85F. Plant 1-1 1/2" deep, 4-6" apart, with 30-36" between rows. NOTE: SEEDS MAY BE TREATED NK 199 Hybrid Corn plants are popular due to their high yields, strong 7-foot stalks, and tasty ears. The ears grow up to 8 inches long with 20 rows of golden kernels. This variety is well-suited for canning, freezing, or eating fresh.

Ornamental Indian Corn - Heirloom


110 days to harvest.  Package contains 15 grams, approximately 45 Ornamental Indian Corn Seeds. Germination: 5 to 10 days at 70 to 75F; plant 1" deep, 4" apart with 30" between rows. This beautiful open-pollinated corn is used for ornamental purposes. Its kernels are rainbow-colored and add beauty to fall decorating. 

Peaches and Cream Hybrid (se) Corn Seeds


83 days Package contains 20 grams, approximately 80 Peaches and Cream Hybrid Corn Seeds. Germination: 7-10 days at 50-85F. Plant 1-1 1/2" deep, 4-6" apart, with 30-36" between rows. Peaches and Cream Corn is a bicolor, sugary enhanced variety with two distinct flavors; both sweet and creamy. The ears have up to 20 rows of kernels and are 8 1/2 inches long, growing on 6 foot stalks. These are especially good for freezing and are wonderful fresh, too.

Providence Hybrid (syn) Corn Seeds


82 days Triple Sweet variety. Package contains 10 grams, approximately 40 Providence Hybrid Corn Seeds.  NOTE: Seeds may be TREATED. Germination: 7-10 days at 50-85F. Plant 1-1 1/2" deep, 4-6" apart, with 30-36" between rows. Providence Hybrid Corn boasts wonderful eating quality with sweet, delicious kernels. The 8-inch ears are well-filled with 14-18 rows of bicolor kernels. This is a great choice for markets and home gardens.

Serendipity Hybrid (syn) Corn Seeds


82 days to harvest. Package contains 20 grams, approximately 100 Serendipity Hybrid Corn Seeds. Germination: 6 to 12 days at 70 to 80 F. Plant seeds 2 inches deep 12 inches apart with 30 to 36 inches between rows. Serendipity Hybrid Corn is a Triplesweet bicolor variety with high eating quality. It is exceptionally sweet with 16-18 rows of delicious kernels on each 8-inch ear. Serendipity Hybrid Corn combines two types of kernels on one cob: sugary enhanced and supersweet. This makes a deliciously sweet combination that you will love! This corn has great holding ability.

Silver King Hybrid (se) Corn Seeds


82 days Package contains 20 grams, approximately 100 Silver King Hybrid Corn Seeds Germination: 6 to 12 days at 70 to 80 F. Plant seeds 2 inched deep, 12 inches apart with 30 to 36 inches between rows. Silver King Hybrid Corn is a disease-resistant, Sugary Enhanced type that grows delicious white corn on 7-foot stalks. The ears have 16-18 rows of kernels and are about 8 inches in length.

Strawberry Ornamental Corn - Heirloom


100 days Package contains 20 grams of Strawberry Ornamental Corn Seeds. Germination: 7-14 days at 60-85F. Plant 1" deep, 8-12" apart, with 30-36" between rows. This very unique pink corn makes the perfect eye-catching decoration. Stalks produce strawberry-shaped corn ears that get 2-3 inches long. You can also use this variety for popcorn.

Sugar Buns Hybrid (se) Corn Seeds


72 days to harvest. Package contains 20 grams, approximately 100 Sugar Buns Hybrid Corn Seeds. Germination: 6 to 12 days at 70 to 80 F. Plant seeds 2 inches deep, 12 inches apart with 30 to 36 inches between rows. This yellow corn is wonderful for home gardens and markets, offering gourmet taste with good keeping ability. Sugar Buns Hybrid is an early corn with juicy, sweet kernels that grow in 14 rows on 6-inch ears. This corn is great fresh as well as for freezing and canning.



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